Day04: Continue (In another life)

Day04: Continue (In another life)


2 min read

MILESTONE 1: Complete Arcade Intro CodeSignal

Last week was really crazy with me. But everything is okay now. And here we go.

DONE: 15/60

Day04: I stuck on challenge 4 (ReverseInParentheses). And then I cannot stuck on it anymore. I decide to check the answer.

Here is what I learn:

Challenge 10: reverseInParentheses


Here is highest point solution in JS:

function reverseInParentheses(s) {
  while (true) {
    const closedIndex = s.indexOf(")");

    if (closedIndex === -1) {

    const openIndex = s.substring(0, closedIndex).lastIndexOf("(");

    const start = s.substring(0, openIndex);
    const middle = s
      .substring(openIndex + 1, closedIndex)
    const end = s.substring(closedIndex + 1, s.length);

    s = start + middle + end;
  return s;

What I learn here:

  • I learn the logic to find out which string should be reverse first.

Challenge 11: alternatingSums


Here is my solution:

function alternatingSums(a) {
    return a.reduce((acc, curr, index) => {
       if(index % 2 == 0) {
          acc[0] += curr 
       } else acc[1] += curr;

        return acc;
    }, [0, 0])

I findout the way to use reduce for this problem.

Here is highest point solution in JS:

alternatingSums = a => a.reduce((p,v,i) => (p[i&1]+=v,p), [0,0])

What I learn here:

  • I learn about & operator in JS. But this is kinda complex to read and understand.

Challenge 12: addBorder


Here is my solution:

function addBorder(picture) {
  const initalElementLength = picture[0].length;
  picture = => {
    return `*${el}*`;

  let borderTopDown = "**";
  for (let i = 0; i < initalElementLength; i++) {
    borderTopDown += "*";

  return picture;

This challenge kinda simple.

Here is highest point solution in JS:

function addBorder(picture) {
  var width = picture[0].length + 2;
  return [
    "*".repeat(width), => `*${line}*`),

What I learn here:

  • Try to loop only one when use this.
  • The repeat() method of string.

Okay. I done for today. I hope tomorrow will be better. Let's go.
